Citizenship in the Nation Badge - On Demand 24/7
Citizenship in the Nation Badge - On Demand 24/7
Start Anytime – Flexible, Counselor-Supported Merit Badge Learning
Our EPIC Badges On-Demand Program allows Scouts to start and complete merit badges on their own schedule, with full support from a certified merit badge counselor. With 24/7 access to learning materials, Scouts can review content as needed, work at their own pace, and receive live guidance from a counselor who ensures all requirements are met properly.
Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge
Scouts working on the Citizenship in the Nation badge will gain a deeper understanding of the rights, responsibilities, and duties of U.S. citizens. Throughout this badge, Scouts will:
✅ Explore significant national landmarks and institutions that shape the nation.
✅ Stay informed about current national events and understand their impact.
✅ Examine the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights to understand their role in American democracy.
✅ Learn about the three branches of government and how they provide checks and balances.
⚠️ This badge is required for the rank of Eagle Scout.
Who Can Participate?
✔️ Open to ALL Scouts in ANY Council – No restrictions on location.
✔️ Youth aged 11-17 interested in Scouting may also participate.
✔️ Taught by a Certified Merit Badge Counselor in an interactive format.
✔️ Guidance is provided throughout the process, ensuring compliance with Scouting America’s Guide to Advancement.
Before You Begin
📌 Communicate with your Scoutmaster or Unit Leader before enrolling in this and any other merit badge course to confirm your intent to complete the badge.